Wednesday, July 12, 2017 | By: Rita Hutcheson-Cobbs

A Story in the Making...Stay Tuned...It's Not Over Yet!

WHNT News Article of Rita Hutcheson-Cobbs 300lb Journey!
RitaHutchesonCobbs 7/1/2017 holding size 5x pants!
450 lbs to 142 lbs, size 5x to size 4

Fear grips you in places that you can't define. Fear can stop you cold and run through you to the point that though process doesn't exist. Unless you have been taken over by anxiety and fear combined, you have no idea what I am talking about. In the past, my realities of life brought such situations, but I have now learned the difference in the levels of fear and the real definition of natural fear compared to those built on anxiety. The Bible says to be anxious for nothing. That defining moment happened last week. 

About two weeks ago, I got a phone call from the main gym I work for. Ms. Christy called, leaving a voicemail saying that a gentleman from the local news station wanted me to call him. The news station wanted to do a story about my weight loss story. I panicked. Fortunately, Garrett and I were headed to Special Olympic bowling practice where we have almost no phone signal. I texted the news anchor, telling him I would call him later that evening. I quickly texted two of my best friends to pray about this opportunity and then talked to the third best friend at bowling. All of them said the same thing that I already knew, "DO IT!" 

That evening I called, Mr. Greg Screws, news anchor for WHNT for Channel 19 in Huntsville, Alabama. I hope I gave him the correct credit, because he deserves far more than that. I was hones, maybe too honest, about my concerns for doing the interview and the locations to do it. He was not only kind but understanding. He asked me various questions based on the before and after photos I have posted on social media. We set a time to meet.

He was coming to one of the smaller gyms on the day that was to be my first time to lead a group fitness class. I was extremely nervous, so Robin, my trainer and one of our best instructors, taught the class, giving me a tiny portion to lead for the video portion of the interview. The class was great in helping and making me feel comfortable. The interview took place afterwards and I was a bit hyper, more so than normal (yup, lol, nothing elegant about me!)...

The thing about the whole experience was this...
I had a gripping experience with anxiety and fear once. I can tell you when, where and who to call and verify my situation and meltdown. It was so unlike me, who handles crises, organized and without fail. Then on my way to the gym for class and this interview, it hit me...This fear was different! Wow! For years, I feared failure, to try anything. I didn't want to face the ramifications I would experience behind closed doors. When I was driving up Hartselle Mountain, I began to slowly smile. The fear I was feeling was one of newness, one that you feel when you are doing something for the first time. Not taking a test kind of fear, but the walking in a gym or riding a bike kind of fear. You know you will succeed, but it's getting through the first time experience!
Greg Screws, Jeremy, Me

Weight loss and living fit has brought a new way of living. With every pound, I have gained a confidence I never knew I had. I have learned that I can do so many things from managing my family to getting more involved in social media. I am still afraid to be in front of people, have fellowshipfobia, trusting relationships, but I am amazed at how far I have come in the past three-years alone. Since 2011, my life has forever changed and God is creating me in what He had planned all along. This day was confirming that. 

The day I got the call was revelation and an answer to my morning prayer. I prayed that very morning, "God, I will do anything. Anything!" I even blogged about it. Little did I know that He would do so much with in a few hours of my prayer. I won't be careful what I pray because this was one of the nicest experiences I have ever had. 

Walking faith of our Father and of ourselves
 takes me taking that first step 
and then I can run knowing there is nothing to fear.

Hugs, Rita


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