Friday, May 17, 2013 | By: Rita Hutcheson-Cobbs

Sunday's Art Journaling...Moment Reminisce

 Don't you love it! How the elements within the other pages of this art journal project is popping out the edges...I just get inspired by looking at it! Not saying that prideful or boastful, just knowing where I have come from to where I am today is humbling. That is what this page is about. Homes. Where we have come from physically to where we are today reflects my soul and spirit, where I have been as an artist to where I am today. Continually learning, continually growing, continually moving. Not to a bigger better dwelling, but one of better health, better shape, better mind, spirit and full of amazing soul.

 I found a shopping list that apparently was given away at a pet store because their advertisement was all over it and the first thing listed on the shopping list was pet food. lol. So, I clipped the page down to just the blank shopping list, then listed all the addresses we have physically lived. I distressed it by rolling it up, even stepped on it, then rubbed it with different inks. It was funny trying to remember our different addresses over the years. We weren't sure we got them correct either. Also, I added stickers and spackle over the edges of the sticker and onto the page. I love the texture it creates on the surface of the page.

 I wrote yesterday about this tag and how I made it. 
Recycle-Reuse-Recreate...loving it...

Behind this embellishment, I can add a photo or journaling spot...

Home is where the heart is, wherever that home might be physically, spiritually or emotionally. What about you? What do you have hope in coming true?

Hugs, Rita


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