Sunday, August 13, 2017 | By: Rita Hutcheson-Cobbs

Living by Example during Weight Loss...

#RitaHutchesonCobbs loving cell phone apps lol

Why is living by example in what we eat so important?

There are so many things that I love about technology. My son, Garrett, I love to take photographs and put them on various avenues of social media that I belong to. Once, while at my favorite coffee shop, a friend came through the drive-thru, asked the bistro, who was knew ((oh dear)), to have me come out for our "selfie." Bless him, he didn't know! She came into the shop and the poor guy was blown away by the seriousness of our "selfie album." It was started as a joke, but now, it's a reminder of friendship and the love or relationships we share with our wide world of community. So, now that Garrett has discovered my 35mm camera...he likes for me to add them to fun frames and shapes. 

Stay with me... Garrett has watched the warmth and developing friendships from the "selfies" I have taken over the years. He has seen the relationships develop that now, he wants us to take our selfies wherever we are and whatever we are doing. Every Sunday morning, we have to take our selfie prior to worship. He wants his photo taken with community helpers, with his friends, trying something new, working out with his friends, bowling or playing golf. 

Recently, Garrett said, I needed to start a "Salad Selfie" Album. Apparently living by example has inspired the friends from our workout group with the Special Olympic team to hold me accountable for what I eat. One night a week, the team eats out together and usually it's a fast food location in town. They workout prior to swim practice so they burn the calories for eating out in this environment. One night, I told them, "I am so excited we are eating out tonight (naming the place)!" From behind me, one of Garrett's best friends replied, "Ma'am, can I help your order?" I told him that I would be happy for him to help me order, thinking I would get a nice juicy fried sandwich and fries...nope, when I asked him what I was going to get, he quickly said, "Ma'am, you are getting a salad, cause you are on a diet!" When we got to the restaurant, who was behind guessed it, I ordered a salad lol. 

This past week, we went to celebrate Garrett's birthday and another of his best friend's birthday. Again, this amazing guy came and asked me if he could help me order. Of course, I let him and once again, he picked the best salad for me, a strawberry mango salad that had the best orange salad! I did get chocolate ice cream, he told me that was alright, "Just this once!" When I asked him, "What am I going to eat the week we go to state games?" He replied, "Salads, Ma'am. cause you are still on a diet." I will eat salads too because I love this guy and all of Garrett's friends.

#RitaHutchesonCobbs loving salads...

Whatever we do, we live by example. When we eat, drink or workout, we are living by example. We may want to influence those around us with words when actions teach volumes. Live faithfully the changed lifestyle of eating healthy, a workout routine and being thankful, others will see it and want what you have. It may take one day, but it may take years. The one thing you cannot do, is enable others. If you think your daughter or grandson needs to lose weight or your husband needs to start a workout program, then don't sign them up for a weight loss program and pay for it...don't give them a gym membership. Why? Because they have to make the choice for themselves. If they pay for it, they will be motivated to go and do. Live by example because you have to be accountable to yourself and testimony to others. Life faithful with no excuses. 

It is ironic, because I rarely eat salads at home. I do eat gluten-free, primarily proteins and vegetables. Water is my choice of beverage with a cup or two ((gulp)) of coffee thrown in to the mix. I measure every food I eat and I weigh especially my meats, after they are cooked. We have to get to the point that we are accountable to ourselves in knowing what goes in our mouth, every bite, lick and taste (BLT), as well as if it is what is healthy for us. This is the only body we will ever have and it is the one we will spend eternity with, best take good care of it. Our character is also something that needs to be cared for, by this we will influence others to living a healthy lifestyle especially those we love and care about.


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