Wednesday, August 2, 2017 | By: Rita Hutcheson-Cobbs

Coffee Calories...or any beverage...

I am forever fascinated by people who can go without food. Seriously, I so wish I was one of them. I am a fast'in failure too. I try to sit and pray, "Lord, don't let me be hungry during this time of us being together to pray about this thing..." He laughs, I hear Him! I don't mean to make light of fasting so please don't send me ugly comments. It is one of the things I have a section for in my notebook, but so don't want to ask Bro. Doug to preach about. A righteous fear, yup, that is what we will call it. However, if I have ever heard of anyone say, they go without beverages, liquids, I don't remember it. Dehydration has to be one of the worse things ever. I have had a partial feeling of this from being sick a couple of times, but seriously, nothing deathly. 

Keeping a food journal is important because when the weight loss stops or you hit a wall, then the food journal is a great place to track areas like beverages when the food is all good. We don't realize the hidden calories in the things we drink. Additives to our water, like the tiny packets to flavor water to hidden sweeteners. Sodas, regardless if regular or diet, will cause us to retain weight. I lost nine pounds coming off both regular and diet sodas. I tell people try going without them for thirty-days, see for yourself. Tea is another one that has hidden calories, but also, tea, coffee and even green tea will cause you to retain water regardless if it is de-caff or goes back to the leaves and beans. Google it...


Then there is something else...labels. Often the labels on what we get are either wrong or all the ingredients are listed. Did you know that if there isn't enough of an ingredient in an item, it doesn't have to be listed? Peanut butter, for example, is used to thicken canned chili and to close frozen egg rolls, but because there isn't enough in the food item, it doesn't have to be on the label. For me, allergic to nuts, this could be a very bad thing. 

Did you notice the labels on my coffees? Three different coffees, three different times, three different locations and they all "know" me...yup, I am a junkie BUT I also know my ice coffee, calories, points, fats, etc. I tell them when I order, even though they know what I drink, because I am a regular. However, it got put in wrong three different times. Calories AND fat that I otherwise might not have allowed for in my daily food intake was there. The next weigh-in I would have been at a loss as to why I had gained weight or maintained when I thought I had been so very careful.

When living a healthy life-style especially when it comes to food, you have to know what is in your food and beverage even if it is water. Don't get into the politics of it all, just know the basics. It is important to your health and goals to know the ingredients, the calories, the fats, etc, not to your mind what the politics or opinions of a food or beverage might be ((yup, I had to throw that in there, so don't message me!)) I bought a gallon of milk once that had a fat-free label on the front and a 1% label on the back! Seriously! I took it back to the store. The past two Saturdays, the dates on the fat-free sour cream were a month old... better read, know, watch and focus. Also, I will suggest, learn all the big word ingredients. Many of the ingredients have hidden fat and calories. I am a fat focal person. I will eat sugars before I eat fat. Then of course I ask my thighs which they would rather wear. We usually head to the fresh vegetables... They grow heavy as we walk toward them...protesting all the way!

I think being "labeled" is why so many people are going to clean eating, gluten-free, vegan, sounds hard but in truth, it is an easier way to eat and live. You know what you are eating, planning meals is easier and the food has become priced reasonable. Fresh food markets and farm markets are popping up as well as roadside stands. We know people that have small gardens that will share or barter. I have a fabulous girlfriend that has always baked her own breads and now has a building business from it. Who know, "labels" may define you or even what you may be doing to make your life, that of your family or mine better tomorrow. 

...but please, don't take away my coffee...I have two coffee pots and a Verismo...Coffee and water rock my beverage world.  I will ask questions and make sure my labels are right, my coffee is a free reward, but my name can be wrong...just call me for coffee...


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