Saturday, January 18, 2014 | By: Rita Hutcheson-Cobbs

Admitting failure...

Boiled eggs. I simply love eggs. Don't even try to give me the artificial stuff or any egg whites, just eggs. I would rather have home grown, but the sweet realities of having a new crop of hens only gives a couple if fresh eggs a day. With six people in our house, we need a lot if eggs over the course of our shopping week. However, I do keep boiled eggs on hand, ready made, grab-and-go. 

BUT peeling is an obstacle for me sadly to say. My mother makes fun of me about this all the time. I have tried every method I have heard about in every pot and pan. The latest I saw on Pinterest was a total failure for me, not to mention mess. Adding baking soda to the water was to make the skin soft. Well, in one boiler it did so well the eggs were popping like was funny. 

I may never peel perfect eggs, make devil eggs, or even pickle them, but one thing is for sure, I won't have them on my thighs or serving them to my family and I still make the best egg salad too!  

Then there us my favorite just open them up, sprinkle some black pepper, dill and enjoy...the best is sunny side up...

Also, pop a sliced boiled egg with a slice of fat-free cheese on a caramel rice cake...yum! A great power boaster and protein snack... I do love eggs! Enjoy...

Hugs, Rita


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