Sunday, September 10, 2017 | By: Rita Hutcheson-Cobbs

Left-over BBQ Chicken and Dressing Recipe with a bit of Cheese

Once again, finding yourself standing at the fridge thinking, "What am I going to feed them tonight?" I can't tell you the last time I had this happen. Due to whatever circumstance or situation I was living in, I had to adapt to that and the menus and supplies had to be on hand to prepare the food for every meal. Now, I plan, but it may be three to four days in advance with tons of flexibility. Then, like last Saturday, I made food for the football half-time and didn't have to cook until Wednesday! It was fabulous! I made bread...that was it!

So, when I had left over BBQ chicken, I made a couple of casseroles. This was one of them, a dressing that was creamy as well as hosting a crisp topping. I even had cranberries on hand to have with it. Using left-overs is a great opportunity to make casseroles, soups, stews, and even dips. Did you know you can make your own bread crumbs from day old bread? What about chips? You can use them too in your bread crumbs or you can make your own chips! I love making our tortilla chips. I can't say that Kale Chips are my favorite, I would rather have kale in my salads or with my greens.

So, let's make a dressing...

Left-over BBQ Chicken and Dressing
with a bit of Cheese

2 cups of BBQ Chicken, cooked, chopped or pulled
1 large onion, chopped finely
1 green bell pepper, chopped finely
2 large eggs, beaten slightly
5 cups vegetarian broth
1/2 a pan prepared cornbread, crumbled 
(I make a large iron skillet size)
1 cup of shredded cheese (fat-free)
1/2 teaspoon each parsley, black pepper 
(Garrett loves it, use less if desired), cilantro, Italian seasoning
1/8 teaspoon garlic
* sage, optional...I don't use sage because it has been known to enhance seizures.


Preheat oven to 375 degrees.
Mix the ingredients together, yup, with your hands! Get messy!
The mixture should be slightly moist. If not, add a bit of broth or milk.
Pour into a baking dish sprayed with cooking spray.
Bake for 35 minutes or until top is slightly brown.
Serve hot.

This is great served with sour cream, cranberries, mashed cauliflower (love them), greens or a large salad. If you freeze this dressing, bake 3/4 the way done, then when you are ready to enjoy, thaw and finish baking the remaining time. 


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