Wednesday, August 11, 2010 | By: Rita Hutcheson-Cobbs

Do you have an eye sore you wish that would go away?

I have a lamp that is also a magnifying glass, great for doing small beading or sewing projects. However, the base of it is a caddy to hold tiny objects and, not in printed form from the company, also collects lots and lots of dust! So, while working on a project for our live show today, I decided to help this little lamp out and made it a skirt. Now my tiny items are hidden and the dust bunnies will have to find a new home plus this is a super easy project for pennies to make. Here is what I did:

Before I cleaned the caddy and before it got "dressed". =)
Don't tell the sweet lamp, but it will be spray painted next.

I found a scrap piece of fabric and made sure it would fit the caddy.
The light fixture pops out so that the caddy can be lifted easily.

I turned the fabric piece to the inside and laid my pencil on the caddy
leaving about 1/2" space between the caddy and
the cutting line so the fabric will hang off the side a little.

I cut the circle out not worryingi about the edge of the fabric.

Then, I folded the fabric in 1/4s.

Using scissors, I snipped off the corner of the fabric folded in fourths to form a small circle.

Next, I hot glued lace to the edge of the skirt. Glossy Accents would work too
but I was running low and wanted to save some for the live show. =)

I also added Fray Check around the center circle and to the lace before cutting it,
making two lines side by side and cutting down the middle.

Thus, a perfect solution for the eye sore that bothered me continously.

Love, Blessings, & {{{Hugs}}},


Becky said...

Rita this is just adorable!

SusanMcGee Romick said...

This is a great idea. My first thought was that you were going to have a EYE SORE swap! I already had several in mind.
Thanks for sharing. Susan McGee

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