Tuesday, July 24, 2018 | By: Rita Hutcheson-Cobbs

The Comfort we find in Foods...like eggs...

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Comfort foods can be created by lists, googled or defined by thousands of thesis papers, research queries, or statistic results, but the truth of comfort foods is this: they are individual. A comfort food is individualized. I may say mine is chocolate, but it is a specific, detailed flavor hard core chocolate regardless if it has readily available, calorie content, or good for me. Another person it may be a chip, pasta dinner or a beverage. Eggs is a common comfort food, but think of the many ways they are made. I love eggs regardless how they are made. I do have a funny story about how I found out I liked them raw...Yup, no idea...

I was at the gym one day, a regular and I were talking about how I was having a smoothie ever so often for the protein. I had found a gluten-free protein mix and was giving it a try. He said, "Have you tried a raw egg in your smoothie?" I replied that I hadn't. He then said, "Well, you get more protein from the egg than then the powder and it is all natural." That got my attention. So, I skipped the protein powder and added the egg. I was amazed by the creaminess the egg added and how much better it actually tasted. So, the following week, I saw him and told him about my experience to which he said, "Oh that's great! I will have to give it a try." WHAT? He had never had a raw egg. That was so funny! I don't have smoothies often, but when I do, I add an egg, but I also add greens, it is a great way to get them.

Now, back to comfort foods. What happens when we experience comfort foods, isn't when we go workout or exercise to have them, sometimes we do, but not normally. We go for comfort food when we have had a dramatic experience or when we are trying to make a decision that isn't easy. Too often we hold these situations in, a hurt or something we don't want to talk to someone about, then we head to the thing that will give us comfort. However, the result of indulging in one wrong is that we feel guilty and head to yet another wrong.  For example, if we head to a sweet snack and eat the whole package, then after we feel guilty because we gained two-pounds and have set depression in full mode. It happens with mind altering choices, we wake up with decisions unknown or made that later we regret in some form. Finding support and accountability is the only healing that can come from these.

I have had an awakening over the past year on my walk to healing, food can't be your comfort! The gift of choice is that we can go for a walk, find a new creative outlet, write a blog lol, teach someone a second language or learn one ourselves, learn to cook or go to the gym. Write a comforting note of encouragement to someone in which will also help you. There has to be another way than to reward ourselves with food or to seek ill comfort in food as well. Finding that one thing that will create healing for you, will work time and time again, just have a plan for each time a craving or desire comes to run to the kitchen for food to comfort. This is the first step in making choosing a new direction that will help you and those around you.

Egg. Hundreds of ways to enjoy this fabulous protein. I would be vegan if it weren't for eggs. I love them with dill, rosemary and black pepper, all three fresh as possible. However, I want to save them for the most important meal in the day, my breakfast, and find something more durable than walking on egg shells of guilt later when I eat things I have no business eating! 

So, first, have a plan for when those cravings set in during a tough decision or crises. Second, have snacks pre-made when nothing will do but eat. Third, go do something active to bring oxygen to the brain and move away from the kitchen. Three things that are simple and easy to create a safer place away from comforting ourselves with food. 

Hugs, Rita


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