This has been a productive Sunday! First thing this morning, my mother (both my parents live with us now) made homemade biscuits with syrup/butter to dip them in. There is no way I will ever succeed in shedding fluffy with her living here. LOL, but it was so umy!
Then I watched TV church of our worship service and a church live online with a chat room running along side of the screen. It was awesome! The other thing that was amazing was that both pastors were carrying almost the same message theme. God must need me to pay attention, don't you think? =)
Then I mowed our lawn (2 acres I might add) and cleaned a portion of the wooded area that will some day grow up to be a lovely walking trail. I usually like to mow the grass on Monday since it takes all day, it gives me a chance to put the mower in 1st gear and think about what I want to accomplish in my studio that week. I meditate, simply exist in the great outdoors, which is lovely all year long in the country.
Then I headed to the studio. After adding a small area for my rough work and storage for my metal shelving, I am ready to organize a bit. It is so exciting. I worked on my swap cards for for the artist convention and picked beads from my stash for a beaded bracelet (photo insert). I want to make one in greens and one in sandstone shades. I have yellow beading too, but haven't decided to use them yet. I love making this bracelet design. I will be sure to post the photos of the finished project. Also, I have strung beads for the crochet beaded necklace I will be making.
It is fun to create works of art. I love to make weird designs in the grass when I mow or place a bird feeder in a certain place that I know the birds will enjoy. I love eating homemade donates my mother made (which she did this evening) which are her own creation. It inspires me to watch and listen to my husband and sons sing or write their own music. Making a bed, preparing a cooked dish, arranging the table...all these are creative outlets. Which one is yours?
I have encouraged our sons to live their dreams, whatever they may be today or tomorrow. One has gone from wanting to be a lawyer to a professional musician to being a writer. Whatever each one has wanted to do with their life we have encouraged it, along with education of course. I wish someone had done that with me; so today, I am giving you permission to live your dreams. Start now planning where you will be in 10 minutes, 10 days, 10 months, 10 yrs. If you are not happy doing what you are doing 9-5, then make plans to live your dream. Take the prep time to decide what it is you really want to do, what will make you smile all the time, what will make you happy!
I smile all the time, regardless of the circumstance. I am bubbly, smart, and fluffaly adorable. I am also an artist...in the past year in caring for my father, I have come to realize that I am an artist and I have gained the self-confidence to move forward in that. I am using the time caring for my father to build my skils, knowledge, getting my studio ready, and so forth. You can too? What is your dream?
Happy week, love and blessings,
(Ps Sorry for the long blog, but I just had much to say...)
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