Kettle Batch. I saw these words on a menu at a restaurant resently. It is the perfect description of the past year of our lives. Throw in the kettle a batch of life, change, new experiences, transformation, deeper faith, new famfriends, and a whole lot of God and you have a rockin' awesome recipe of thankfulness that can't be written in just a few words. God's grace is worth singing about and only He offers a new song when life-experiences come your way. The kettle batch comes to perfection when you allow God to work and you live in His steps. The journey is still before us and the roads are yet to be traveled. Ingredients are still being measured and the bowl is still needing stirred; so pickup that ol' wooden spoon that will one day find newness of life in fresh smelling completion and stir with all your being. God is good all the time; you are always loved; and coffee and chocolate are still the comfort foods of choice.
Hugs, Happiness and most of all, Joy!